Любимите компютърни игри

Here be unicorns. И музика и филми, вдъхновени от човешките ни книги. И всичко, дето ви е на сърце, ама не може да се побере в ^такива^ тесни теми...
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

В отговор на тази покана с YZ завързахме писмен диалог. Който доведе до:
Кал wrote:Разбирам те и за пристрастяемостта. Been there, done that. :/// Но
Taming Dreams вече е друго ниво на въздействие. Също като
„Приказката“, тя по-скоро ме завръща с нови сили към собствения ми
живот и желанието ми да разбера другите (реални) хора...

Освен това тия три епизода са общо 3-4 часа, няма да те отвлекат лошо. :)

Но да не ставам Мефистофел...
YZ wrote:E, чак Мефистофел - скромен Gamecubus си. ;)
Иначе 3-4 часа звучи добре, щом няма твърде голямо replay value. Качи ми я по-височко в списъка, ще я погледна по някое време. :)
Кал wrote:Никакъв replay value не откривам аз, поне до края на епизод 2. Просто
се кефиш как върви историята и как растат героите.

(С тия епизодичните игри май в повечето случаи е така? Освен Life Is
Strange, де, и онез зомбърските...)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Tobias Cornwall: Taming Taming Dreams

Two of my comments:
Кал wrote:A very, very quick note:

The characters in Taming Dreams are neither immature nor caricatured. :)

Says someone with a great fondness for nuanced characterization and this much reading experience:

https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/7 ... shelf=read

For what it's worth. ;)

The best part is, I can see them growing up.

I'm on the gallop these days (BTW, I'll be doing a short promo of TD at a Bulgarian SF convention on Saturday)--so I'll come back and read everything carefully at a more peaceful time. Meanwhile, may the muses hold all of you. :)
Кал wrote:I finally have the time and mindfulness to read the post properly. I find it both enjoyable and thought-provoking. (So what's new? :)

I'd only like to add another perspective to this point:

"If I were to start again, I'd make one key protagonist, as I said last time, and the story would be hers. It'd be about her, and her desires would drive the plot."

Have you read Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen? It is a multi-volume epic fantasy, whose real "epic-ness" stems from the author's decision to throw in dozens of protagonists, all of them equally important. Erikson goes as far as undermining the very idea of major and minor characters; as an anthropologist, he's well aware that everyone deserves the spotlight in equal measure--especially if we wish to gain a deeper insight into their nature.

This is what I truly enjoy about TD: that I can gain insight into the nature of not just a single protagonist but a whole cast of diverse characters. It carries the sense of community ; as opposed to the individualism of focusing on a single character. I've had my own share of loneliness and isolation, so I deeply cherish anything that can instill a sense of community.

And I do want to know how everyone will keep growing: helping or hindering (which often turns out to be another type of helping, less obvious ;) everyone else. My heart is sufficiently large, my mind, curious enough. :)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Кал wrote:I just finished Episode 3 for the second time, focusing a fresh eye on everyone's personal journey.

And I grasped the true meaning of 'Longing for Belonging'. (The first time, I was too sleep-deprived and busy exploring the smaller details.) I must say, Deugan's, Emeela's and especially Meraeadyth's situations are extremely sad, especially for someone who has been there. However, they're sad in the good, cathartic sense; carrying the hope that each of the characters will yet come to their self-realization. Pain may be an anvil ... if you don't hammer too hard or too often.

I'll be waiting to see. :)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Темата ми потъна на втора страница и в чудене как да я върна на върха без излишни усилия...

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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Кал wrote:Tobias, as a counterpoint to 'Your story and characterization are full of mistakes' (whatever 'mistakes' means ... we gotta love this kind of 'constructive' criticism, right?), I'll tell you about a little epiphany that came to me as I presented Taming Dreams to fellow fans at that Bulgarian SF convention I mentioned under an earlier post.

Right before that, I'd done an intro to Theodore Sturgeon. Are you familiar with the name? Sturgeon was one of the most accomplished writers and storytellers in the US, an inspiration to folks such as Ray Bradbury, Peter S. Beagle and Steven King. He was also the warmest writer I've ever known, exploring love and the need to commune in all their possible shapes and sizes.

And as I spoke about him and then about Taming Dreams, it dawned on me that ...

... both Sturgeon and you command the most impressive vocabulary this side of O. Henry. And from a very early age too. (He started publishing well-received stories when he was barely 20. You started publishing well-received story-based games. ;)

... both Sturgeon and you often deal with broken human beings, looking for the gentlest, least intrusive ways to fix them. Argh, 'fix'. I meant: help them come to their own inner power. (And you both had severe depressive bouts. Which helps you understand broken people, says another depressive person. Hi. :)

... both Sturgeon and you have an amazing ear for the ways various people talk. (I can imagine how Sturgeon did it: he went through an enormous array of jobs, including a hotel manager and a bulldozer driver. I cannot, for the love of the universe, imagine how you do it, with your isolation and communication issues.)

There were other parallels, too, but this comment is getting long (and I'm somewhat sleep-deprived *yawn*). I hope it's already given you something to ponder. (BTW, how do you say 'ponder, but about something nice'? :)

Oh ... and if you decide to read one and only one thing by Sturgeon, please pick 'Slow Sculpture', the novelette.
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Не знам какво е League of Legends (смейте ми се колкото щете :P)... обаче гледайте двата клипа, които започват оттук.

Аз се зашеметих. И разтанцувах. :twisted:
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Radiant Dragon »

Беее... Лигата е тотален стазис (и други, по-обидни неща, завършващи на -зис), както всички моби в днешно време. Demigod през 2009-а тръгна в правилната посока, 'ма flop-на, а Stardock, тогава още непоказали колосалния си кретенизъм, отидоха да творят катастрофата, наречена Elemental: War of Magic, вместо да потърсят малко по-внимателно златната кокошка... (Питате колко златна ли? 'Ми, вече от 2-3 години има наградни фондове от по 10+ млн. долара. Мда, яко bling bling.)

Отделно, 'къвто съм си форумен некромант, искам да изразя ОГРОМНО възмущение и публично да анатемосам коментарът от предходната страница, който смее да сравнява Diablo с Neverwinter Nights. Алооо, Невър-а беше най-близкото до true D&D experience на компютърния екран, което някога е излизало, що се отнася до транслиране на настолния ruleset. Всички останали игри, "захранвани" от D&D просто не бяха истински представители на системата. (Да, говоря именно за Infinity Engine шедьоврите + разните му Dark Alliance-и и други "тупалки" за конзолите)
Bottom line, вижте persistent world-ите, които все още се реят из нета. ЕЙ това е Невър-а.
Диабло-клонинг. Пфф. Get real.

Едит: Да не забравя и Aurora toolset-а, с който пристигаше играта. И до ден днешен еталон за end user development инструментариум.
Last edited by Кал on Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Аз съм графист, а не кечист.
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Аз съм. Това ми стига.

'Tis I, master of the first floor, aspirant to the last, the Radiant Dragon.

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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Отдавна не съм ви надувал главите... :D
On Alora Fane, [url=http://www.alorafane.com/thread/166]Eclipse[/url] wrote:So I recently found (from my YouTube feed, surprisingly) an LP of Taming Dreams done by some random guy on youtube. I had originally only planned to show this people I thought interested, but I've decided instead to show the community, since it IS the only LP of the game I can find so far...

It's not the best, due to the guy's heavy accent, stumbling on words, not completely understanding the combat system, and not knowing a few of the bigger words in the English language, among a few other things, but it's a Taming Dreams LP nonetheless, and if you're interested, here's the first episode:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJnGTAg ... 74HZxohVQX

They sort of remind me of my early LPs I ended up abandoning after a bit... not amazing, and pretty badly done, but good for what little editing and other things in there. He's done about eight of the episodes so far, and I think I'll keep watching it, since I just like watching LPs, for some reason.

So yes! That! I was planning on doing an LP of it myself, but I have to get a screen recorder for that, and that costs money I don't have. I also would need a mic, among other things, and decent editing software... guh.
Кал wrote:Thanks, Eclipse!

If I ever do an LP, I'll start with Taming Dreams (or whatever game Tobias is pouring himself into at that time). I'm still shy about speaking before random strangers on the Net, what with my own accent and occasional dyslexia ... but these games are inspiring enough to help me overcome myself. :)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Radiant Dragon »

Бог да благослови правячите на Let's Play. Ако не бяха те, досега сигурно щях да съм започнал и оставил недовършени сигурно пет пъти повече игри, които принципно имам интерес да проследя (като сюжет, най-вече), но нямам волята да ги "превъртя". А както всички знаем, едно от най-демотивиращите неща на тоя свят са недовършените дела...
Калине, к'ви ги дрънкаш, бе - ти и лош акцент? Откога стана stand-up comedian?
Ще взема аз да си направя един запис на моя акцент, да видиш защо имам оценка C в сертификата ми по английски.

Аз съм графист, а не кечист.
(Ама вече разбирам и от кеч, ако трябва)
Аз съм. Това ми стига.

'Tis I, master of the first floor, aspirant to the last, the Radiant Dragon.

Accepting reality since 2017

And loving it since 2021

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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Radiant Dragon »

Damn, backlog-ът ми току-що нарастна с още едно entry:

The Sea Will Claim Everything
Мъчно ми е когато искам да греба с пълни шепи от живота, ама пръстите ми са счупени.

Аз съм графист, а не кечист.
(Ама вече разбирам и от кеч, ако трябва)
Аз съм. Това ми стига.

'Tis I, master of the first floor, aspirant to the last, the Radiant Dragon.

Accepting reality since 2017

And loving it since 2021

And now, I step fully into the Light, complete and replete. The way to Ascension is open.
-- some Dude, circa 2022
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Radiant Dragon »

Тази нощ, докато си browse-вах разни клипове из тубата, попаднах на поредното видео-сравнение относно вечния спор в графата "по-по-най" на тема The Elders Scrolls Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim. (+Daggerfall за сефте на баш хардкористите.)

И изведнъж... намерих това:


Дори да не се интересувате от "игрови" игри, метнете едно око само заради впечатляващо приказната презентация и завладяващ глас на съставителя. Пичът малко го раздава откъм тъжната носталгия, плюс тънка порция преувеличение, но начинът по който говори за избраната тема е... с една дума, магичен.

И кой знае... току-виж някой от вас се реши да пробва нещо "традиционно". *wink* *wink*
Та, Кал... ето такива примери имах предвид, когато ти казах, че аз търся различни качества в игрите. Player agency и emergent gameplay са тези, които излизат на най-ярък фокус. Пък ако и историята е добра... бонус!

Аз съм графист, а не кечист.
(Ама вече разбирам и от кеч, ако трябва)
Аз съм. Това ми стига.

'Tis I, master of the first floor, aspirant to the last, the Radiant Dragon.

Accepting reality since 2017

And loving it since 2021

And now, I step fully into the Light, complete and replete. The way to Ascension is open.
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Sexy Finish Her Compilation (Asuka) - Senran Kagura: Estival Versus

Изведнъж ми се дощя:

1) да ме биваше в action brawlers;

2) да си имах PlayStation 4.

Личният ми фаворит е завършването стил Ямато.
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Както и подозирах, The Unfinished Swan се оказа омайващо чудновата и различна.

Но ще довърша гледането, когато очите ми не залепват толкова. |-)

А и... утре е голям ден. ;)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

On emergent narratives:
In [i]@Play: Exploring Roguelike Games[/i], John Harris wrote:Why are video games worthy to be considered an important art form? What can we use to counter Roger Ebert when he claims so certainly that they are not art? My answer to him has nothing to do with providing an experience to the player. No, ultimately the future of these games lies in their use as a creative tool, a way of exploring possibility, a method of aiding the player in creating his own narrative. In this, computer games have the potential to touch the divine in a way no other work can. It is meta art; art that aids in the production of other art. Every other art form limits the audience's involvement to interpretation; only interactivity can draw him in beyond that.
I find this profoundly ironic, considering what I'm about to release today. ;)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Отзив в Goodreads за @Play: Exploring Roguelike Games:
I was impressed by the combination of expert knowledge and lively language in this formidable tome. (I was also impressed by myself: it turned out the first roguelike I tried, SLASH'EM, is also the hardest. Now I feel less of a loser. ;)

John Harris's thoughts on emergent narratives made me reconsider some of my own beliefs and predilections. But I'll still go for a good story over good gaming mechanics any day.

Which reminds me: guys, did I tell you about this story-game we just released in the wild? Care to join our adventure? :)))
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Първи впечатления за Antares:
On Lemma Soft, [url=https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?p=415286#p415286]Кал[/url] wrote:I started reading/playing it, and I'm already awed by the art, the animation effects, the music and the SFX. You do everything on your own, right? What programs do you use for composing the music?

The writing is good but may benefit from another pair of eyes. I think I spotted a few stylistic blemishes. Nothing serious though.

My main issue has been with the training interface (I haven't tried battles yet). Since I'm playing on a 4'' screen, it's hard to understand when my character is about to be hit by an arrow; and to go to a specific tile on the ground (they're too small). However, this may be a device-specific problem (my screen is not very responsive to taps).

Also, I'm yet to figure out the logic behind the training scores.

Congratulations, and please carry on. :)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

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Ако сте уморени от приказване и всички приказки ви идват празни... значи е време за

The Unfinished Swan
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Междувременно Taming Dreams прехвърли 200 оценки.

А бетата на Torment: Tides of Numenera вече е достъпна за всеки, който си я е поръчал предварително. (Но аз ще изчакам до догодина за едно завършено удоволствие. ;) )
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

И финални впечатления от Antares:
On Lemma Soft, [url=https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?p=419265#p419265]Кал[/url] wrote:Last night, I completed the story.

Although I'm not your target audience (I disliked the violence and didn't care for the characters' motivation, particularly Kes's revenge mission), I enjoyed your sense of humor and the bits of each character's backstory thrown in here and there.

I'd recommend reducing the number of "empty" screens, especially the ones with the "..., .., ." progression. They get repetitive after a while.

The art, including the backgrounds, remained excellent throughout the story. Can you include an in-game gallery where we can view special CG we've already seen? (That's a typical feature of VNs.) The picture of Kes when she removed Aen's bandages was especially breath-taking, with that tender, fragile look of hers.

All in all, thank you for the experience. I don't know if I'll try the next installments (it's not my kind of story), but I was very impressed by the visuals. Do keep it up. :)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Tobias Cornwall: Outgrowing Video Games

Всичките коментари надолу са ценни, но точно в момента най ми се прииска да цитирам – и по-често да си припомням – този:
Meglos wrote:The article also seems to imply that the gaming community is full of hate and seclusion, but again, that's like saying everyone who goes to a movie in a theatre is going to be a loud, obnoxious asshole and throw popcorn everywhere while kicking the seat in front of them. Yes, some moviegoers are like that. And yes, some gamers are like that as well. But again, this article fails to recognize the many friendly, inclusive gaming communities out there (such as this one!).
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Кал wrote:Iji разказва за бъдеще, в което две извънземни раси нападат Земята, вашата героиня грабва първото попаднало ѝ пушкало и... не е длъжна да убива никого. Убедете се. (Интересното започва от сектор 3.)
A Undertale – за нещо подобно, но в света на демоните, който сме заровили току под носа си.

Започвам да си набелязвам игри с миролюбиви (pacifist) минавания.

(А т.нар. „геноциден“ маршрут в Undertale, при който изтребваш де що видиш по пътя си, те подлага на такъв психологически тормоз, че... де да знам. Може би просто си говоркате като братя по психопатичност?)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by frog »

Well em... Не играя на игри, но... има "слухове", че Pokemon Go праща хората тук-там да търсят покемони - примерно в църква, полицейски участък... естествени водоизточници :shock:
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Radiant Dragon »

А, Pokemon GO...

В момента целият Ютюб гърми само за него - всички, харкор геймъри, кежуал геймъри, не-геймъри, са се втурнали да го цъкат. Има истории за хора, дето не искат техните познати да разберат, че играят, как наемат кучета от приюти, пък чак после даже ги осиновяват; има истории (част от които фалшиви) за грабежи, убийства, битови инциденти и general разсейване, водещо до trespassing; има истории за приятелства, как хора се шляят навсякъде дори посред нощ (паркове, градини, магазини и да, църкви и секс шопове), има истории... всякакви.

Специално аз мисля, че обществените сътресения от Pokemon GO са поне в порядък по-големи, отколкото масовите дронове преди 2-3 години, най-вече защото се появи "изведнъж" (за тези, които не са в час) и, подобно на World of Warcraft през 2005-а и Фейсбук години по-късно, подозирам, че играта завинаги ще промени социалния ландшафт на нашата планета, като най-вероятно ще представлява първата (масово разпознавана впоследствие) крачка към широкото разпространение на augmented reality технологиите.

Nintendo се опитваха цели 30 години да им "върже" някоя от множеството иновации, за чиито все някой друг си приписва заслугите; мисля, че този път най-сетне успяха.
(За сметка на Ingress... обаче това ще бъде ясно само единствено на хората, занимаващи се с аналите на историята...)

Аз съм графист, а не кечист.
(Ама вече разбирам и от кеч, ако трябва)
Аз съм. Това ми стига.

'Tis I, master of the first floor, aspirant to the last, the Radiant Dragon.

Accepting reality since 2017

And loving it since 2021

And now, I step fully into the Light, complete and replete. The way to Ascension is open.
-- some Dude, circa 2022
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by frog »

Не целият Ютюб, а целият... всичко ;)
Има истории за спасени множество зарязани в кашон хамстери, открити при търсене на покемон...
Намерен в река труп при търсене на покемон...

Бях на един рожден ден, на който се майтапеха, че в хола имало покемон, но не се знаело къде точно. И да внимаваме къде сядаме :lol:

А една позната беше сложила screenshot на намерен женски покемон и беше ужасяващо грозен :shock:
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Radiant Dragon »

frog wrote:А една позната беше сложила screenshot на намерен женски покемон и беше ужасяващо грозен :shock:
Мда, ще да е бил някой от по-новите. Реално всички покемони след... 3-ия Generation са зле направени като външен вид и излъчване. Ама така става когато хората се опитват да цоцат един франчайз 22 години поред... без да променят формулата дори на йота.

Аз съм графист, а не кечист.
(Ама вече разбирам и от кеч, ако трябва)
Аз съм. Това ми стига.

'Tis I, master of the first floor, aspirant to the last, the Radiant Dragon.

Accepting reality since 2017

And loving it since 2021

And now, I step fully into the Light, complete and replete. The way to Ascension is open.
-- some Dude, circa 2022
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by frog »

"Буквеница" - http://bukvenica.bg, води се интерактивен буквар.

Игра за "електронни устройства", чрез която дечицата да научат буквите и да усвоят как се пишат.

Създател е Георги Кънчев корабоплавател ;). Смята, че не е открил топлата вода, а е адаптирал и доразработил играта за нуждите на българския език.

Има безплатна и платена версия. Платена цели подпомагане на развитието на проекта. При безплатната не са включени всички букви.

Сега синът му е на 5 години. Идеята възникнала преди около две години. Тогава Г. Кънчев забелязал засиления интерес на сина си към всякакви електронни устройства.

Платената версия на играта (2 долара) е изтеглена само 30-ина пъти. Безплатната ~ 1500. Ако тенденцията продължи, ще замрази проекта и ще остави само безплатната в състоянието, в което е в момента.

Чак ми се прищя да го порекламираме :D

Поощрението е пчеличка, естествено. Независимо колко греши детето, винаги ще получи поне една пчеличка за "задача". Най-много може три. Синът му се затруднявал с ф-то, ядосвал се, че не му се получава, но упорствал, докато не получи и трите пчелички за буквата.

Естествено, имало дискусия, която се въртяла около мнението, че на толкова малки деца не бива да им се дават електронни устройства.
Според мен... те почти неизбежно сами си стигат до устройствата и въпросът е, като стигнат, там да ги чака тази игра ;)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

God's Assassin

Besides the tongue-in-cheek quiz in the beginning, try to find the parts where God answers questions about bad things happening to good people, etc.; and the descriptions of drug-induced states of mind. There's lots to ponder and test your faith (or Faith ;) ).

Then check out A Skeptic's Path to God, describing the writer's subsequent transformation.
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Cliff_Burton »

Да вдигна аз древната тема, дето вече три месеца прашасва :)

Първо да започна с много важния коментар, че ако прецените, че нещото, за кото искам помощ не отговаря на критериите на ЧоБи триете коментара ми и няма сърдити :P

И сега по същество - аз и Ал Торо участваме в един проект за игра, която е базирана на светът от приказките на Братя Грим. Петър вече е писал за играта на български, а на страницата в кикстартър кампанията има достатъчно информация.

Та ако някой има желание да подкрепи идеята ще се радваме да го стори. Не е задължително подкрепата да е участие в кампанията, разпространение на информацията сред вашите чуждоземни канали ще е даже повече от полза.
Last edited by Кал on Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Отзив в Goodreads за Press Start to Play:
A diverse panorama of a medium that is about to grow more influential than books and films, in terms of narratives and morals alike.

Here're the stories that pressed me to think/feel the most. (I'm boldfacing my special favorites.)

~ I really enjoyed the narrator's (i.e. my ;) voice in Charles Yu's "NPC". Like here:
All of which is to sort of make it a little more understandable that when Oona Bantu comes to your quarters wearing just her under-skin armor, you don’t turn her away. She comes to sit on your bunk, and things get a little kissy for a hot and sweaty five minutes, and you feel really terrible the whole time and confused but also you are kissing Oona Bantu, so you don’t stop right away but then Carla’s sad little smile face keeps inserting itself into your head and you break off the kissing and Oona can’t believe it.
"Wearing just her under-skin armor," hehe.

~ Oh, Japan ....
Beside the sliding glass doors of the entrance, a multicolored strip of tape was marked 160 cm, 170 cm, 180 cm, and 190 cm. The sticker had been put there so that the entryway’s security camera could measure the height of anyone who passed through. These cameras took particularly crisp images; brazen robbers drawn in by desire for a little bit of scratch would eventually leave a clear capture of their likenesses, and their careers would end with an arrest. Japanese police were good enough at that sort of thing.
In that case, I considered, we should put a button beside the door for robbers, so that when they pushed it, a machine would dispense a few ten-thousand-yen bills, take a picture of their face, then automatically report it to the police. Maybe then the criminals would form an orderly queue and await their turn in solemn silence.
Will the existentialist satire of Hiroshi Sakurazaka's "Respawn" stick in my head like that stick at the end?

~ Charlie Jane Anders's "Rat Catcher's Yellows" touched me like a cat's paw: soft and subdued and with just a hint about the claws inside.

~ Holly Black's "1UP" examines online/offline friendship and what it means to really know someone through a surprisingly tense plot and sweetly authentic characters. Listen to them:
(...) maybe my mother is right about friendship, because I do feel differently about Decker and Toad now that we’ve been together in real life. Now that we’ve heard the timbre of one another’s laughter. Now that we’ve learned one another’s Starbucks order and how we like our burritos at Chipotle and who can burp the loudest. Now that I learned how far they were willing to go for someone they never met.
“Hey,” I say. “It’s Cat. We played the game, but now it’s your turn. Time to wake up.”
He doesn’t move.
“We’re risking our asses for you,” I say.
“Nice,” Decker calls down. “How about saying we love him?”
“How about saying you love him, Cat? How about ‘If you wake up, I will give you a big, fat, sloppy kiss,’ ” Toad says.
“Shut up,” I tell him.
“Soren,” Decker says. “Listen, if you wake up, one of us will give you a big, fat, sloppy kiss. I can’t guarantee it will be Cat, but one of us will definitely do it. I am ready.”
“Soren,” Toad says. “Listen, how about this—if you don’t wake up, one of us will give you a big, fat, sloppy kiss and I can guarantee it won’t be Cat.”
~ Django Wexler's "Real" contains a pithy summary of the status quo of Good vs. Evil. (Beware: it's also a heavy spoiler.)
“It’s about belief, Aka-sensei. My kind has always fed on belief. When people play your game, they believe, even if it’s only for a while, and that opens the door.”
“So I created you. I designed you. I wrote the script.”
“In a way. I am ancient, and I am newborn.”
“But that’s bullshit.” His hand slams down on the tabletop. One of the beer bottles topples over, rolls to the floor, and shatters. “You’re not playing by the rules.”
“The good guys win.” There are tears in his eyes. “Everyone knows the good guys win, they always win. Mariko sends the Dark Queen back to hell. I wrote the goddamn ending! So if I created you—” He cuts off, his voice thick, and swallows. “If it’s all my fault, then why didn’t she win?” His voice drops to a whisper. “Why did Mari die?”
“No one really believes in heroes these days, Aka-sensei.” I smile. “But everyone believes in monsters.”
~ Nicole Feldringer's "Outliers" is that rare gem combining a non-trivial idea with a non-cardboard protagonist. It also reminded me that among my CDs, I still have a climate change edutainment sim developed by an EU research institute ... but I never got it to run on my Linux. :(

~ Extra points to Chris Avellone for making "<end game>" feel real:

Code: Select all

:<get up>
You crawl out of the bed. You feel 
nauseous. Your bare feet crunch 
against what feels like layers of 
papers, books, and cardboard.
   The room is freezing, even colder 
than the bed. You are shuddering.
   It is dark in the room.
   The alarm is beeping loudly.

:<tiurn off alarm>
I don’t understand the word “tiurn.”

:<turn off alarm>
It is too dark to see.

Code: Select all

:<examine door>
Which door do you mean, the 
bathroom door or the hall door?

:<hall door>
There was no verb in that sentence!
Now I'm off to check The Lurking Horror ....

~ I liked David Barr Kirtley's parable "Save Me Plz"--that is, it startled and scared me. I find an uncomfortable degree of truth in observations like these:
Meg, on the rare occasions that she permitted herself solitary recreation, preferred Jane Austen novels or independent films. She’d once told Devon, “I’m more interested in things that are real.”
He’d been playing the game. Monitor glow made his head a silhouette. He said, “What’s real is just an accident. No one designed reality to be compelling.” He gestured to the screen. “But a fantasy world is so designed. It takes the most interesting things that ever existed—like knights in armor and pirates on the high seas—and combines them with the most interesting things that anyone ever dreamed up—fire-breathing dragons and blood-drinking vampires. It’s the world as it should be, full of wonder and adventure. To privilege reality simply because it is reality just represents a kind of mental parochialism.”
And Devon and I seem to have an uncomfortable amount of things in common. Oh my poor own 'Meg.' *shudder*

~ The sorrow of T.C. Boyle's "The Relive Box," the irony of Marc Laidlaw's "Roguelike" and the vast loneliness (reaching all the way to Oregon) of Robin Wasserman's "All of the People in Your Party Have Died" meet in their sense of loss. Painful.

"All of the People..." in particular all but wrenched me apart.

~ Cory Doctorow's "Anda's Game" hits so many sweet spots; you'll find something for (and of) yourselves, whether you're hardcore MMO gamers, social activists campaigning against virtual sweatshops (or real sweetshops), parents worried that your children aren't doing enough genuine playing, or children annoyed that your parents aren't leading by example. In fact, the novelette may be too short a format for fleshing out all these issues; but it's long enough to set you thinking.

~ Kudos to Yoon Ha Lee for the streak of pacifism common sense in "Gamer's End." As a character in the story says, "no war, however terrible, lasts forever"; and if we are to look beyond it, what kind of thinking do we need?

~ Ken Liu's "The Clockwork Soldier" works on so many levels--from the "(interactive) story within a story" format, to the justifiable way Alex trivializes Ryder's agenda at first, to her honorable, humane reaction when she discovers her misconception--that I cannot praise it coherently enough. Instead, I'll share with you the following excerpt (which isn't a spoiler, since it appears right at the start):
“Don’t you want to ask to see me as I really am?”
She considered this. “No. I’ve already decided to believe you. Trying to make sure can only make things worse. If I find out that you’re telling the truth, then I will have ruined this moment, when I can still believe I’m capable of being decent, of trust. If I find out you’re lying, then I’ll have to consider myself a fool.”
“So, again you choose faith before knowledge.”
This time, she didn’t stop climbing. When she was at the air-lock door, she turned around. “Faith is just another name for self-knowledge. You’ve succeeded, Scheherazade. When you tell your own story, you seize life. Now it’s my turn to tell myself a good story, about myself. I know enough. Good-bye.”
~ Catherynne M. Valente's "Killswitch" and Andy Weir's "Twarrior" were both extreme enough to make me cringe sympathetically and laugh, respectively. Hence, a lesson for writing flash fiction: pull no punches.

~ Hugh Howey's "Select Character"--a gentler, less grim riff on the same issues as "Gamer's End"--is a fitting conclusion to the anthology. We need less grimness and more gardeners, even in first-person shooters. Especially in first-person shooters.

Yes? :)
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Re: Любимите компютърни игри

Post by Кал »

Не мога да не споделя...

Blue Estate

Това е от ония удоволствия, където си заслужава да натискате пауза през пет секунди и внимателно да оглеждате всеки детайл от кадъра. Включително – името на автора, писал „поредицата“.

(Ха... съвсем истински се оказа.)
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