Dear Kalin Nenov (Human Library):
Thank you for sending your work to Narrative. We are always grateful for the opportunity to review new material, and we have given XXXXX close attention and careful consideration. We found many strengths to recommend your work and, overall, much to admire. We regret, however, that XXXXX is not quite right for us. We encourage you try us again in the future, and we hope that you will.
The Editors
Recycle Bin
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Re: Recycle Bin
Narrative Magazine, form rejection 2
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Re: Recycle Bin
Journal of Compressed Creative Arts: form rejection (once again, very sweet

Dear Kalin Nenov,
Thank you for sending us "Transcendance." Unfortunately, we didn't love it enough to send it to the next round of consideration. We at Matter Press worry that the quick "decline" might feel a bit "harsh" to writers. That certainly isn't the intention of the fast turnaround time and is no indication at all of the interest in your work. As I'm sure you know, so much of the submission process is about finding that right match, and that's what we hope for your submission: that it finds its perfect home.
Thanks again. Best of luck with "Transcendance."
Randall Brown, Managing Editor
Journal of Compressed Creative Arts
Matter Press, a non-profit 501(c)(3) literary press
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Re: Recycle Bin
Ares Magazine, form rejection
Thank you for your submission.
We reviewed your story and found that it did not pass the second round of evaluations for Ares Magazine. We are currently closed to new submissions, but we encourage you to submit another story for consideration when we reopen. Please review the Submission Guidelines on our website to note any emphasis or updates.
Matthew Ackerson
Ares Magazine
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Re: Recycle Bin
Grievous Angel/Urban Fantasist: form rejection
Hi Kalin
Many thanks of your submission but I’m afraid it has to be a “no” from me this time however it was an intriguing piece so please do send in more of your work at a later date. And apologies for taking so long to reply but we have been overwhelmed with submissions and it has taken me longer than anticipated to deal with them.
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Re: Recycle Bin
Fireside, form rejection
Dear Kalin,
Thank you for your submission of "A Tale of Heroes and Villains" to Fireside, but we've decided not to accept it for publication. Please forgive the form letter, but due to the high volume of submissions we can't respond personally on each story. We appreciate your interest in Fireside.
Brian White
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Re: Recycle Bin
Young Explorer's Adventure Guide Series: form rejection
Thank you so much for submitting your story to the 2014 Young Explorer's Adventure Guide. When we started this project, we weren't sure what sort of response we'd be getting, and I must say, the number and quality of submissions has been astounding.
After discussion and consideration, we've decided that this story isn't a good fit for this anthology. However, because of the tremendous response, we're planning to do another anthology (possibly two!) next year. There's obviously a need for a market for speculative fiction for a younger audience.
Please feel free to submit again next year.
Also: The more we can spread the word among parents and fellow speculative fiction enthusiasts, the more likely we are to be able to keep the market open.
If you write speculative fiction for younger readers because you believe exposing kids to the genre early is a good thing for both the kids and the genre, please consider sharing the kickstarter for pre-orders: ... or-young-r
Corie Weaver
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Re: Recycle Bin
The Novel Fox SHORTS: form rejection
Thank you for taking the time to submit to The Novel Fox. Unfortunately, we have chosen not to further pursue your submission at this time. We wish you the best in seeking a publisher for your work.
The Novel Fox Team
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Re: Recycle Bin
Sixpenny, form rejection (but kind

Dear Kalin Nenov,
Thank you so much for your submission and sorry that it has taken us so long to respond. We really appreciate that you took a chance on our new magazine and submitted your work! We rely on stories like yours, since most of what we will publish is coming to us unsolicited. And we have been so grateful for the response we’ve received from people like you who’ve shown an interest in our magazine! We received over 300 story submissions and had to choose only three for the inaugural issue so the decision was tough! Unfortunately, we can't find a place for this piece right now. But please feel free to submit more work in the future! We will post information about our launch date and our next reading period soon.
Thank you so much again for your efforts and for letting us see your work!
All the best,
Elizabeth Leonard
Sixpenny Magazine
Co-Founder, Director of Business and Outreach
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Re: Recycle Bin
Accessing the Future anthology, form rejection:
Dear Kalin,
Thanks again for sending your story “Loving Loney Lone” for
consideration in the Accessing the Future anthology. After some
consideration we have decided not to keep this piece for the final
lineup, and are therefore letting you know that we will not be
publishing it. This should of course not be taken as any judgement on
the quality of your work.
Thanks again for thinking of us with this story, and we'd like to wish
you the very best of success with your writing in future.
Best wishes,
Kathryn and Djibril
Editors, Accessing the Future
An anthology of disability-themed Science Fiction from Publishing
Edited by Kathryn Allan and Djibril al-Ayad
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Re: Recycle Bin
Uncanny, form rejection:
Dear Kalin M. Nenov,
Thank you for submitting "A Tale of Heroes and Villains" to Uncanny: A Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy for consideration. Unfortunately, it does not meet our needs at this time.
K.E. Bergdoll
Submissions Editor, Uncanny: A Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy
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Re: Recycle Bin
Urban Fantasy Magazine, personal rejection of "The Way That I Smile":
Kalin M. Nenov,
Thank you for your submission to Urban Fantasy Magazine. I regret to inform you that we are unable to use it at this time. Here is what our editorial assistants had to say about this story:
Vote: Reject
I'm afraid this is a "no" from me. I didn't quite follow the actions of the characters in this piece, and it read closer to poetry than prose. I like the idea of the back and forth between the two voices, though. Thanks for submitting.
-- Katrina S. Forest
Vote: Reject
I think there were some nice turns of phrase here but I don't think this piece suits the magazine. I suppose one can read it as experimental fiction but it sits like poetry on the page, which we don't publish unfortunately. And beyond that, ultimately I didn't feel enough of an emotional hook to the narrator to get invested in the story. I think a bit more background, no matter what form this tale eventually takes, would help sell the immediacy of the events here.
-- Nicholas Smith
Please do not resubmit a rejected story unless we specifically request you do so. We wish you good luck in placing the story elsewhere.
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Re: Recycle Bin
Bahamut, form rejection:
Dear Kalin--
Thank you for submitting Loving Loney Lone to Bahamut. We're afraid the piece isn't quite what we're seeking, so we're going to pass, but please keep us in mind for future submissions.
-The Editors
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Re: Recycle Bin
See the Elephant, form rejection:
Dear Kalin,
Thank you for submitting your writing to See the Elephant. We appreciate the time and energy you took to in sending us your work. While the piece that you submitted is not right for us at this time, we would like to emphasize that respect and support for authors is the core of our mission at Metaphysical Circus Press. We encourage you to continue to read See the Elephant so that you can follow our trends and get a feel for the kind of work we publish. You might also want to subscribe to our mailing list for updates on new publications and contests (
Wishing you all the best in your reading and writing adventures.
The Editors
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Re: Recycle Bin
Unlikely Story, form rejection:
Dear Kalin,
Thank you for sending us YYYYY's XXXXX. Unfortunately, we've decided to pass on this one. There were some interesting ideas in the piece, but in the end, it didn't quite click for us. Best of luck placing it elsewhere.
The Editors
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Re: Recycle Bin
Women in Practical Armor, form rejection:
Dear Author,
Thank you for submitting your story for consideration in WOMEN IN PRACTICAL ARMOR. Unfortunately, it does not fit our needs for this anthology. We appreciate your interest and wish you all the best.
Gabrielle Harbowy and Ed Greenwood
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Re: Recycle Bin
Bahamut: (in)form(ative) rejection
Dear Kalin--
Thank you for submitting XXXXX to Bahamut. Because we tend toward literary or realist experimentation, we're afraid the piece is a little too fantastic for us, so we're going to pass, but please keep us in mind for future submissions.
-The Editors
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Re: Recycle Bin
Unidentified Funny Objects, form (yet encouraging) rejection:
Dear Kalin,
Thank you very much for letting us read the translations by YYYYY and ZZZZZ. Unfortunately, they were not selected for inclusion in UFO4.
Having said that, we're especially interested in publishing translated work, and I very much hope you will try us with more stories when we open to submissions for UFO5.
Alex Shvartsman
Unidentified Funny Objects
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Re: Recycle Bin
Great American Sentence Contest, form rejection:
Thank you for entering Easy Street’s Great American Sentence Contest.
The contest far exceeded our expectations in terms of numbers, and we certainly appreciate your patience as we read the over two thousand sentences you collectively sent our way. We congratulate the lucky few whose lines wowed our judges. This is not to say we didn’t have a lot of wow moments, the very nature of a contest means that we have to make hard decisions. Regardless of the outcome, we thank you for sending your work, and we encourage each and every one of you to keep submitting.
To view the winners, finalists, and honorable mentions, please head over to our website at We hope you’ll join us again for future events.
Best regards,
Camille, Steve, & Wendy
Editors, Easy Street
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Re: Recycle Bin
Clarkesworld Magazine, form rejection 2:
Thank you for the opportunity to read XXXXX. Unfortunately, your story isn't quite what we're looking for right now.
In the past, we've provided detailed feedback on our rejections, but I'm afraid that due to time considerations, we're no longer able to offer that service. I appreciate your interest in Clarkesworld Magazine and hope that you'll keep us in mind in the future.
Take care,
Neil Clarke
Clarkesworld Magazine
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Re: Recycle Bin
Crannóg Magazine, form rejection:
Crannóg Magazine
Six San Antonio Park
14th May 2015
The editorial board of Crannóg Magazine has now read all submissions for the summer 2015 issue.
Unfortunately, due to both the high quantity and quality of material received, we are unable to use your submission. We received some excellent work which we very regretfully had to omit due to limitations of the magazine’s size.
Thank you for submitting to us. Please feel free to submit to future issues of Crannóg and do please keep in contact with us through our website:
Publication date for Crannóg 39 is Friday 26th of June.
With best regards
Ger Burke
pp Editorial Board
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Re: Recycle Bin
Bahamut, personal rejection:
Dear Kalin--
Thank you for submitting Less than Two to Bahamut. There's some interesting writing here, but overall, the piece doesn't quite "explore identity in a global context" as our submission guidelines describe, so we're going to pass. We hope, however, that you will keep us in mind for future submissions.
-The Editors
This one is curious. "Less than Two" explores identity--more specifically, transcending identities--in a global context--I don't think it can get any more global.
However, it's a convoluted text, so it's easy to miss the idea. Or interpret it differently.

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Re: Recycle Bin
Young Explorer's Adventure Guide Series, form rejection:
Good afternoon,
Thank you for sending your story for the 2016 Young Explorer's Adventure Guide. After careful consideration, we feel the story isn't a good fit for this collection. Best of luck with the story elsewhere and we hope to see submissions from you in future years.
Corie Weaver
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Re: Recycle Bin
Grievous Angel/Urban Fantasist: form rejection 2
Hi Kalin
Many thanks for your submission but I’m afraid it has to be a no from me this time however please do send in more of your work at a later date.
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Re: Recycle Bin
Science Fiction/Chilling Ghost Short Stories, form rejection:
Our call for submissions to our Ghosts, Horror and Science Fiction Anthologies produced over 720 entries so it's been very difficult to read and choose the stories. We've taken much longer to make a decision than we expected because we enjoyed every single story, and made final choices based on the mix of tales in the books, the presence of much older fiction and the story size limit (2000 to 4000 words).
I'm afraid yours didn't make the final cut. I'm sure you won't let this put you off and hope to see more from you in the future.
Very best wishes
Josie Mitchell. Assistant Editor.
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Re: Recycle Bin
Narrative Magazine, form rejection 3:
Dear Kalin Nenov (Human Library):
Thank you for sending your work to Narrative. We are always grateful for the opportunity to review new work, and we have given "Loving Loney Lone" close attention and careful consideration. We regret, however, that "Loving Loney Lone" does not meet our needs at this time. We hope that you will keep us in mind in the future.
The Editors
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Re: Recycle Bin
Orion, form rejection:
Dear Kalin,
Thank you for sending "Do We Need Nature" to Orion.
Unfortunately, it was not selected to move forward. As you know, Orion publishes just six issues a year, which means that competition is stiff and very few pieces can make their way into the magazine.
Thanks for considering Orion as a home for your work.
Best wishes,
The Editors
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Re: Recycle Bin
Urban Fantasy Magazine, personal rejection:
Kalin M. Nenov,
Thank you for your submission to Urban Fantasy Magazine. I regret to inform you that we are unable to use it at this time. Here is what our editorial assistants had to say about this story:
Vote: Reject
I felt this was an ambitious piece, but overall the narrative structure (the stories within the story) didn't work for me. It was difficult to be drawn into the story because I wasn't sure who the protagonist was or what the stakes were from the beginning. The narration felt very distant. I'm passing, but thank you for submitting!
-- Karen Rochnik
Please do not resubmit a rejected story unless we specifically request you do so. We wish you good luck in placing the story elsewhere.
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Re: Recycle Bin
Mothership Zeta, form rejection:
Dear Kalin,
Thank you for letting us read XXXXX. Unfortunately, we have decided to pass on it. We wish you the best of luck placing it at another publication.
Kind regards,
Sunil Patel
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Re: Recycle Bin
Diabolical Plots, form rejection:
Thank you for allowing us to read your story, "Rondo for Death and a Hitman, Wannabe".
Unfortunately it did not meet our editorial needs.
Reminder: Per our guidelines, you are only allowed one submission each submission window. Please do not submit another story until our next submission window opens.
Diabolical Plots Editorial Staff
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Re: Recycle Bin
Urban Fantasy Magazine, personal rejection:
Kalin M. Nenov,
Thank you for your submission to Urban Fantasy Magazine. I regret to inform you that we are unable to use it at this time. Here is what our editorial assistants had to say about this story:
Vote: Reject
Some nice lines in there, but I'm sorry to say your story didn't grab me. Thanks for submitting.
-- Bo Balder
Please do not resubmit a rejected story unless we specifically request you do so. We wish you good luck in placing the story elsewhere.