Unknown Armies е ролева система, разработена от Greg Stolze и John Tynes.
My review:
I'd never thought I'd rate so high a 1) horror; 2) RPG manual--as a piece of literature. However, Unknown Armies has impressed (and surprised) me in both departments.
In terms of themes, this must be the first role-playing world, where fighting or trying to kill someone is the most desperate, dangerous or plain stupid course of action you can take. Tellingly, the "Combat" section of the rules starts with "Six Ways to Stop a Fight." I'm hooked already there. (I'm tired, sick and--whaddya know--skeptical of violence: its power to resolve anything.) The game does splendid justice to its tagline, "power and consequences": go get the power if you must--but mind the consequences.
In terms of language, UA dazzles. I can't remember when the last time was when I had to sift through my slang dictionaries so many times per page. The writing, especially in the first three books, especially in the gossip sections ("What You Hear"), is superb. (In Book Four, aimed directly at Gamemasters, the authors state up front that they're gonna drop "the three dolar words", for the sake of brevity. Fair enough.)
Highly recommended to anyone who's looking for a deeper, subtler game--or building their own.
Unknown Armies
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Unknown Armies
Last edited by Кал on Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unknown Armies
Ето и за една от кампаниите, To Go:
Though there were parts where I caught myself yawning (it was either the effect of the more mundane US cities, or my very own sleep deprivation
), I finally settled on four stars because of the maturity and the wry humor. Heehee, just check out the newly Ascended in the appendix. Also, the High, Middle and Low Roads in describing contemporary US gave me a hearty chuckle:
A worthwhile experience, for both gamemasters and wannabe game designers (like me
Though there were parts where I caught myself yawning (it was either the effect of the more mundane US cities, or my very own sleep deprivation

The Holy Prole is so right-on.
vs.America is the land of opportunity, freedom, democracy and equality under the law.
vs.The USA has, traditionally, meant well but perhaps been a bit naive, boorish and insensitive on the international scene. Individually its citizens value materialism and comfort--and, when practical, they want their standard of comfort for all.
"Kids, don't do drugs," said by a 20-foot winged snake to a group of accidental teen witnesses in the middle of Washington, DC, was another favorite.America is apathetic, selfish, lazy except when vicious and cynically corrupt except when ignorant. The cult of individual aggrandizement is alive and well (...)
A worthwhile experience, for both gamemasters and wannabe game designers (like me

Last edited by Кал on Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unknown Armies
Калин, играе ли ти се или просто представяш?
Аз търся/събрам група, така че ако можеш да ми пишеш.
Аз търся/събрам група, така че ако можеш да ми пишеш.
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- Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:59 am
Re: Unknown Armies
Това е въпрос на гледна точка и желание, нищо повечеКал wrote:Had we but world enough and time ...

Ок, имай предвид.