- NikolayTellalov-SunUntouchable_intro_v12.html
- Англоезичен превод на "Встъпление" от романа "Слънце недосегаемо" на Николай Теллалов
- (137.32 KiB) Downloaded 3194 times
- Slnce-komentar_v11.odt
- Коментар към превода
- (172.31 KiB) Downloaded 22161 times
Годишна преводаческа резиденция в САЩfrom Kalin Nenov
to Simona Ilieva
cc Nikolay Tellalov
date Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 7:29 PM
subject Годишен конкурс за превод на роман на английски език: „Слънце недосегаемо“, Николай Теллалов
Прикачам материалите, описани в условията на Годишния конкурс за
превод на роман на английски език, организиран от фондация „Елизабет
Костова“ (http://ekf.bg/bg/index.php?option=com_c ... &Itemid=29).
Моля за потвърждение, че файловете се отварят и четат както трябва.
След малко ще ви изпратя и материали за конкурса за преводачи.
Хубави дни,
3 attachments
... И-С-К-А–М.from Kalin Nenov
to Simona Ilieva
cc Nikolay Tellalov
date Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 7:44 PM
subject Годишна преводаческа резиденция в САЩ
Здравейте отново!
Прикачам материалите, описани в условията на Годишната преводаческа
резиденция в САЩ, организирана от фондация „Елизабет Костова“
(http://ekf.bg/bg/index.php?option=com_c ... &Itemid=29).
Моля за потвърждение, че файловете се отварят и четат както трябва.
from Simona Ilieva
to Kalin Nenov
date Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 12:46 PM
subject Re: Годишен конкурс за превод на роман на английски език: „Слънце недосегаемо“, Николай Теллалов
Потвърждавам, че кандидатурата на Николай Теллалов е получена.
С уважение,
Симона Илиева
from Simona Ilieva
to Kalin Nenov
date Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 2:48 PM
subject Re: Годишна преводаческа резиденция в САЩ
Потвърждавам, че сме получили кандидатурата Ви! Пожелавам успех!
А преводът на първите три глави от To Wake a Dragon Lass е почти доредактиран от верните ми помагачи Илка и Петър.Kalin Nenov @ the Human Library wrote:Two queries: Sun Untouchable and Aurelion
Dear Connor (:
Attached, you will find two submission queries - though we prefer the term "Christmas gifts". :D
One is a (vast) novel by Nikolay Tellalov, our foremost speculative fiction writer at present. The other, a collaborative effort by a group of Bulgarian youth ... which in itself makes it one of a kind. ;)
Both come with a question:
Do you like me enough to consider being my agent and representative in the US?
We haven't submitted these to anyone else yet. This summer, you told Villy (one of us) you may be willing to represent other authors besides Peter in the future. So here it is, a piece of the future; or two pieces. :)
Please send our warmest to Peter - and Be, all of you who help miracles come into our world too!
Kalin and the Human Library team
Кал wrote:I have this one impression from communicating with English native
speakers: they each know a DIFFERENT subset of English and prefer it
over the other subsets. Which other subsets, supposedly, are
legitimate enough. (At least we can always find some dictionary that
proves our stand. I've got like a score of those. "Score" as in
twenty. ;)
So what Dan says is what Dan's subset leads him to believe. And what
the agent/publishers will say will be what THEY believe. And since
it's them who will have to worry about getting to their audience (NO
self-publishing -- have I been forceful enough on that? :) -- I leave
them do to the text whatever they believe needs be done.
So -- do come up with ideas. Don't become possessive/obsessive about
any of them. The final choice is not likely to be ours.
For now, we'll use polls to decide on the trickier uncertainties. I
ask you to start attracting beta readers -- native speakers you know
Кал wrote:Wow! I KNEW this [SUN UNTOUCHABLE] was Urban Fantasy - but never had the heart to admit it...
Hahaha, never mind me. :D The SUN is such a monster of a novel it
should carve a genre of its own. Roughly half of it takes place in the
alternative mythological layer (where everything is explained in hard
SF terms, that's right, _hard_ SF), the other half, in contemporary
Bulgaria. Good luck to bibliographers in categorizing that. We'll call
it "fantasy". :)