Terra Fantasia Association of Bulgarian SF & F Writers and Artists

The Terra Fantasia Association of Bulgarian Speculative Fiction Writers and Artists was founded by members of the SF clubs in Burgas (Terra Fantasia) and Sofia (Ivan Efremov). Its members include authors from many other cities and towns. They are writers, painters, translators, editors, musicians and film critics, who have been active in the SF genre for the past decades.

The main goal of the association is to promote its member’s activities through organizing seminars, meetings, and exhibitions; to publish an annual almanac with SF writings; to maintain a web site; to plan and carry out PR campaigns.

The Writers section includes 22 authors with more than 100 published novels and collections of stories spanning all SF styles and themes.

The members of the Anthology section are writers and editors who have published series and anthologies collecting some of the best world SF writings.

Our members in the Translators section have translated more than 300 foreign SF books into Bulgarian. They have also endeavored to translate Bulgarian authors into English, Russian, Spanish and other languages. Many stories by Bulgarian writers have already appeared in various English publications. An anthology of our authors will also be published in Russian.

The Painters section consists of artists who create SF art in various media: oil paintings, graphic illustrations, digital design. Our association organizes exhibitions and multimedia presentations, protects the authors in their interaction with publishing houses and other institutions.

Our Cinema section has an archive of more than 5000 SF titles; original screenplays of SF movies; a draft for a Bulgarian SF TV show.

The Music section has a database of music articles with an SF context and soundtracks from SF films and shows.

The Fantastology section includes members who have published numerous books and articles about the history and theory of the fantastic in all its forms.

This year for the second time in a row, a national forum for SF art was held in Burgas. The forum presented all types of art: literature, paintings, sculpture, video, dancing.

Atanas P. Slavov (chairman)

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